
Discover the latest announcements from the Graduate School of Economics

Scientific Events

1ère édition des journées scientifiques internationales

Date limite de la soumission des résumés des intervenants : 24 septembre 2023 ;
Date limite de réception des communications : 29 octobre 2023 ;
Dates des journées d’étude : 9, 10 & 11 décembre 2023

Les langues de communication : arabe, anglais et français.

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Colloque National sur Qualité de l’audit, information financière et gouvernance : enjeux et apports

Date limite de la soumission : 30 septembre 2023 ;
Dates du colloque : 11 et 12 Octobre 2023

Les langues de communication : arabe, anglais et français.

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Some key figures


A teaching staff of more than 77 full time lecturers


27 doctoral students divided into 7 fields in economics


More than 1000 undergraduate and master’s students

Master Programs

Discover the masters programs offered by the Oran Graduate School of Economics

Economics of energy, Environment and Sustainable Development

A master program providing a deep understanding of the industrial dynamics of the energy sectors, the associated markets, the issues of sustainable economic development and energy resource management.

Digital Economics

Given the challenges imposed by the digital transformation undertaken in different sectors, this master program aims to develop skills on the new issues related to digitalization, the digital ecosystem, the organization of digital markets, the internet and the media.

Economics, Finance and Markets

A master program providing the main tools and concepts of corporate and market finance in order to train economists for careers in corporate finance, market finance and quantitative finance

Economics of Organizations

A master program aiming to train future executive managers for different economic sectors by providing them with the necessary skills for economic and strategic analysis of organizations and their environment.

Economic Intelligence and Competitive Strategies

In a context of globalization and increased market competition, this master program focuses on acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to formulate and implement strategies for a business intelligence process.

Our Partners


The incubator is a support structure for business creation projects. It can provide support with regard to accommodation, training, advice and financing, during the first stages of the life of the company.
The Incubator of the Oran Graduate School of Economics was launched on October 27, 2022, following the Decree 1275, in parallel with the launch of the Entrepreneurship House of the School.

Training & Coaching

1. Legal framework for start-ups and protection of intellectual property : legal choices, intellectual property law, legal structure of start-ups.
2. Designing and managing a business : BMC canvas, LEAN canvas, business plan, survey techniques, market research and data analysis, team management, cost calculation.
3. Marketing and communication : pitching, website creation, web referencing, web analytics, brand creation and branding strategy, logo choice, digital marketing, professional communication.


  1. Informing on the Decree 1275 through conferences and presentations for teachers, students and administrative staff.
  2. Training and preparing students for their post-university careers.
  3. Participation in events and exhibitions.
  4. Collaboration with socio-economic actors.
  5. Selection of student projects for the “startup diploma” program in accordance with the Decree 1275.

Conditions for joining

1. Belonging to the school community : the admission to the incubator is reserved for students, graduate students, teachers and staff of the school.
2. Having a business idea: Applicants must present an innovative business idea.
3. Commitment: The incubator generally recruits dedicated and motivated entrepreneurs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is a higher school ?

According to the Executive Decree n°16-176 of 9 Ramadhan 1437 corresponding to June 14, 2016 setting the standard status of the higher schools, a higher school is a public establishment of a scientific, cultural and professional nature. It represents a pole of excellence in higher education by providing highly qualified training for the benefit of various sectors of activity.

The higher schools provide a two-year preparatory cycle followed by a three-year second cycle.

What are the conditions for joining the school ?

The admission to the first year is done on the basis of a ranking taking into account the following parameters :

–       The wish expressed by the candidate ;

–       The stream of the Baccalaureate obtained by the candidate ;

–       The score obtained by the candidate in the Baccalaureate exams ;

–       The minimum required score communicated by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Researchin in the circular for the current academic year ;

–       The capacity of the school.

It should be noted that other conditions may be required, such as the score obtained in mathematics.

Could I join the Oran Graduate School of Economics after having completed a preparatory cycle in another school ?

Students who have completed their preparatory cycle at another school are able to join the Oran Graduate School of Economics in the second cycle by taking the entrance exam for the second cycle that it organises.

What is the degree obtained at the end of the second cycle ?

The training offers currently available at the Oran Graduate School of Economics lead to a Master’s degree in various fields of economics.

How could I access to a doctoral program after my master graduation ?

The continuation of doctoral studies is conditionned by passing the entrance exams for the third cycle.

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