Access to doctoral training in the LMD system is done through competitive examination. The procedures for organizing and selecting candidates are set out in decree no. 191 of 16 July 2012, as amended and supplemented by decree no. 345 of 17 October 2012.
How to apply:
Holders of a Master’s degree respond to offers of thesis projects by contacting the supervisor and the Doctoral Training Committee and make their application by by submitting the following documents to the administration :
- Letter of motivation,
- Certified copy of the baccalaureate, Bachelor’s and Master’s diplomas, transcripts and descriptive annex of the Master’s degree,
- Employer’s authorization for salaried applicants,
- Stamped, self-addressed envelope.
Please note : depending on the course of study and specialisation, other supporting documents may be required!
The entrance examination: The examination is in 2 stages :
First stage : Examination of the application
At this stage, the applicant’s academic record is assessed and an initial selection is made in accordance with the entry requirements defined by the Doctoral Training Committee. Applications deemed admissible will be ranked by calculating the weighted average for each.
Second stage : Written tests
In this second stage, each Doctoral Training Committee organizes two or three written tests lasting between 01h30 to 02 hours, to be held on a single day. They will focus on the Master’s training specialities. The number of pre-selected candidates authorised to take the written tests must be at least equal to twice the number of open positions. The CFD will set the upper limit for the number of candidates admitted to the written tests, taking into account the number of candidates and the specific nature of the subject families. Once the results of the written tests have been announced, the candidates will be ranked in order of merit. Ties between candidates will be broken on the basis of their undergraduate degree.
University registration:
Once the results of the competition have been validated by the scientific committees and councils, candidates admitted to the competition for access to doctoral training must register at a single university establishment within no more than fifteen (15) days following the final announcement of the results. Candidates must, on one hand, register online on the Oran Graduate School of Economics website and, on the other hand, submit their registration file to their department, which will forward it to the Registration Department of the Doctoral Training and Scientific Research Directorate. A registration certificate will be issued. The candidate, in agreement with his/her supervisor, must submit his/her thesis subject for approval by the institution’s scientific council and registration in the central thesis database.
Duration of the Doctorate:
The doctoral thesis consists of an original research work to be published at least once in a recognized scientific journal.
The LMD Doctorate: maximum of 03 years + 02 with special permission. The additional year is granted by the head of the establishment on the basis of a report from the thesis director and after consultation with the scientific council of the establishment in which the student is registered.