This master program entitled « Economics of energy, Environment and Sustainable Development » is a unique course in the field of economics. Its aim is to give students the tools they need to contribute to thinking about modern
energy-related issues : Energy efficiency, optimising consumption, the transition to renewable energy sources and environmental protection issues.
A foundational training in the following areas

The functioning of energy markets and sectors


Sustainable development
Skills to acquire
At the end of this training, the graduating student will be able to :
Project evaluation in energy-producing or energy-consuming companies
Energy and environmental regulations
Energy auditing
Energy pricing
Negotiate energy fluid contracts
Handling the financial and quantitative instruments used in the energy sector
Analysing the environmental impact of energy choices
Career opportunities

Energy companies
Managers in energy companies, energy fluid managers in local authorities, economists in energy-intensive companies and international organizations

Energy sector
Economists in banks financing energy projects, project managers in energy consultancies, economist specialising in energy and environmental issues