Scolarship offers
The Oran Graduate School of Economics keeps you informed of scholarship calls for applications as well as calls for candidature communicated by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, continuously and in real-time, in order to allow the entire university community to respond, especially our students and teachers.
Furthermore, we will share with all colleagues any call for papers or contributions that may be relevant to their specialties, and in this regard, we invite all teachers to share with us any calls for papers or contributions that they may note, in order to benefit all those who may be interested.

- Sending No. 577 from the DCEU dated 18 May 2021 concerning an offer of Indonesian scholarships Download here

- Call for applications for the International L’Oréal-UNESCO Prize for Women in Science . The world needs science, and science needs women. Created in 1998, the International L’Oréal-UNESCO Prize for Women in Science honors, each year, 5 eminent women scientists from 5 regions of the world. Alternating every two years, these exceptional researchers are rewarded for their significant contributions to the progress of science, either in the field of life sciences or in physical sciences, mathematics, and computer science. A prize of 100,000 euros is awarded to each of the five laureates selected by a jury of internationally renowned experts.
- Source: This is highlighted in the UNESCO Report on Science, Towards 2030, which was published in 2015. … The next report will be released on May 31, 2021.
- Applications must be submitted through the platform Deadline: May 31, 2021.

- Sendig No. 955 from the DCEU dated June 7, 2022, regarding the renewal of scholarships for the academic year 2022-2023 Download here
- Sending No. 956 from the DCEU dated June 7, 2022, regarding the renewal of scholarships for the academic year 2022-2023 Download here
- Follow-up form in English Download here
- Follow-up form in Arabic + French Download here
- Guide for students on the platform Download here