Deputy Director of Information Systems, Communication, Statistics, and External Relations
Dr Tcham Omar Email :
The department in charge of Information Systems, Communication, Statistics, and External Relations is responsible for the school’s information and communication, by keeping administrative and teaching staff and students informed of
any information that may be useful to them, and maintaining the school’s statistical database. In addition, our department is responsible for handling the school’s communication, ensuring the updating of information on the school’s
communication tools such as the website and social networks, as well as monitoring and organising scientific and socio-cultural events (ESE Days, conferences, seminars, etc.) organised within the school. In addition, our department
aims to develop and maintain the school’s external relations, whether of a socio-economic or academic nature, both at the national and international levels. It aims to initiate actions to promote exchanges and cooperation with other
higher education establishments and to launch partnership programs. This is done to provide our teachers, administrators, and students with the best possible framework for their development, particularly by encouraging support in
their professional courses.
According to Article 5 of the inter-ministerial order of 25 February 2018 establishing the administrative organization of the school and the nature of the technical services and their organization our department is responsible for :
- Designing and producing communication materials (ESE newsletters, social networks, etc.).
- Ensuring the integration of basic structures and computer networks and promoting digital technology.
- Implement mechanisms and procedures for collecting, processing and disseminating information within the school.
- Publishing all school-related information using information and communication technologies.
- Providing internet services to students.
- Maintaining the school’s statistical database.
- Providing students with any information that can assist them in choosing their orientation.
- Initiating actions to promote exchanges and cooperation with other higher education institutions.
- Encouraging support for students in their professional courses.
- Promoting the school’s relations with its socio-economic environment and initiating partnership programs.
- Monitoring and organizing scientific events (conferences, seminars, etc.).
The Department responsible for Information Systems, Communication, Statistics, and External Relations is supported by three services :

The Information Systems and Communication Department
Service Head
Mr. Fayçal DJAFER
E-Mail :
This service aims to promote and publicize the school’s activities, both internally and externally, and ensure the dissemination of information to administrative staff, teachers, students, and anyone interested in learning about the school. To fulfill its missions, this service focuses its efforts on the following main activities:
- Disseminating information through media channels.
- Managing the school’s relations with the press and media.
- Organizing press conferences.
- Publishing press reviews.
- Covering institutional events and ceremonies.
- Communication through audiovisual media and visual identity on the web.
- Disseminating information through the website.
- Disseminating of information through various digital media and social networks:
- Newsletter: Producting and distributing the newsletter to all staff. It is the main means of internal communication.
- Social media: Social media platforms are strategic communication tools. The school’s presence on certain social networks helps raise awareness, develop its image, and maintain continuous contact not only with future or enrolled students but also with external individuals.
- Disseminating information through print and audiovisual media. As such, the communication is responsible for developing and ensuring compliance with the school’s graphic charter. Its goal is to promote the image and identity of the school through the design and production of printed communication materials as well as web magazines, flyers, posters, brochures, roll-ups, banners, the school newspaper, etc., while also managing audiovisual media and reports (video, photos).

Monitoring, Statistics and Prospective Department
Service Head
Mr. Djelloul CHERIF
E-mail :
This department is responsible for :
- Collecting all types of statistics related to students and staff, including both educational and administrative staff.
- Collecting statistics concerning the various specialities and classes within the establishment, as well as statistics relating to equipment and facilities, in detailed form to be transmitted to the relevant services and/or the Ministry in charge.
- Based on these statistics, the service is responsible for presenting a prospective assessment of the current and future human and material needs required for the development projects of the school’s services and the management of its various resources.
- Providing advice to the hierarchy, upon request, on the different growth and decline rates of all statistics, periodically update them, and contribute to better management by providing proposals when necessary.

External Relations Department
Service Head
Mrs. Badsi Dalila
E-mail :
This department is responsible for :
- Initiating actions to promote exchanges and cooperation with other higher education establishments.
- Encouraging support for students in their professional courses.
- Promoting the school’s relations with its socio-economic environment and initiating partnership programs.
- Monitoring and organizing scientific events (conferences, seminars, etc.).